Beat the Monday Blues with a Short Trip 1

Beat the Monday Blues with a Short Trip

Hey girls, are you ready for a new awesome week? I sure am! I’ve woke up this Monday with a desire to go out of my town and take a ride basically to nowhere, until I find something nice that would make me stop there.

Of course, it was still freezing cold outside, but I’ve jumped in the car really fast wanting to leave the cold weather and snow behind me. My trip was pretty short, as I’ve stopped in a lovely medieval village just a dozen kilometers away from my town.

There wasn’t any snow there, but the weather was still pretty chilly but the setting was really great for a couple of shots. So I took a couple of photos in front of a former Gothic church and then I was on the road again, stopping at a restaurant and back home. Unfortunately I couldn’t get inside this charming church, but I’ll surely come back in a couple of months.

Now I’m sitting in my warm and cozy bed, with a cup of hot tea near me, and I’m writing this post with a lot of thoughts and ideas going through my mind, but I won’t say anything yet, because it’s a surprise!

I’ve worn today: a Mango black coat and blouse, Bershka jeans, Zara boots and a cute Atmosphere bag.

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