When in Doubt, wear Denim

This week my town is hosting the biggest cultural event in the entire country, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, and it’s such a pleasure to go out and enjoy all those magical shows with your own eyes. The entire town is filled with so many tourists right now and at night the atmosphere is even […]

Shine Bright

Many of you would say that sequins should be worn only by night, when you go out with your friends in the club, or at some fancy events, but that’s not exactly a rule. If you want to turn a few heads on the streets (we all want that, right? 🙂 ) you could always […]

Lady in Red

Happy Monday lovelies :* I’m so excited that the sun finally came back to us this weekend, after many days of rain and surprisingly low temperatures for this period – that’s why I had to take advantage of these lovely days and take a few shots with my new red affair. I’m talking about a gorgeous […]

It’s Hoodie Time!

Hi girls 🙂 Are you ready to see another interesting combo from me? 😀 Thought so… but first I wanna say I’ll be spending the next couple of days together with my mommy, somewhere in the charming Romanian countryside, in a little village where I also grew up. I’ve spent most of my childhood here and […]

Black dress with ruffle sleeves!

Hello Monday, I wish the week would start one day later, but here you are 😀 I know you girls have the same feeling, but what can we do? 😛 Just grab a big cup of coffee and stay with me for a few minutes, as I show you a new special look, shot in a wonderful […]

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