Hi guys Are you ready for another special surprise from me !? I’ll take your silence as a big yes and.. I’ll just move on anyway, with a new post from my lovely vacation to Greece. This is going to be the last one, I promise, but guess what? I’ve saved the best for last so get […]
White Silk Dress!
Hey girls This morning I woke up with a single thought in my mind – Thassos
and since I already miss that lovely place so much, I’ve decided to make a little throw back post and share with you some sunny vibes, with a chic outfit that’s just perfect for summer, or for […]
Relaxing at Marble Beach, Thassos
Hi girls are you ready for another beautiful chapter from my awesome journey to Thassos? If you follow my blog closely, I’m sure you’ve seen I was so freakin’ busy in this past month, but now I finally have some free time to share with you gals more details and especially more photos from my short vacation in […]
Hello, Thassos!
Hi, girls I hope you’ve had a great week, because mine has been pretty awesome so far. As I’ve said in my previous post, I’m in Greece right now, enjoying the beautiful island life of Thassos, and today I’m going to share with you my first experience here. After a pretty hard day on the road, […]