A magical place called Hallstatt

Do you remember those charming little villages from old romantic movies and fairy tales? Well, that’s exactly how Hallstatt looks like, a wonderful little village from Austria, that’s almost too good to be true.

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Royal blue skirt!

Rise and shine my beautiful ladies and start the new week with a bang 🙂 This Monday I have another surprise for you, a new post on my blog showing off a look that I totally love, made of some my favorite things to wear 🙂 As you’ve seen in my previous posts, I have a serious […]

White Silk Dress!

Hey girls 🙂 This morning I woke up with a single thought in my mind – Thassos 🙂 and since I already miss that lovely place so much, I’ve decided to make a little throw back post and share with you some sunny vibes, with a chic outfit that’s just perfect for summer, or for […]

Black dress with sexy cuts!

Rise and shine my dears 🙂 It’s September and it’s officially Autumn from now on, but the sun is still up and it’s scorching hot, something that I totally love. I feel like it’s still summer outside, and I’d want it to last for as long as possible, because this is my favorite season, and I’m sure it’s yours […]

A Touch of History with Gladiator Sandals

Thousands of years ago, the Romans and Greeks probably knew what they were doing when every single lady was wearing gladiator sandals around town. They didn’t have the perfect roads or sidewalks that we have nowadays, and this kind of sandals was just the perfect thing to wear back then, especially if they were going to […]

Relaxing at Marble Beach, Thassos

Hi girls 🙂 are you ready for another beautiful chapter from my awesome journey to Thassos? If you follow my blog closely, I’m sure you’ve seen I was so freakin’ busy in this past month, but now I finally have some free time to share with you gals more details and especially more photos from my short vacation in […]

Start the week with a bang!

After a lovely weekend Mondays are always hard to get by, but let’s start this new week properly, with a massive dose of smile and nothing but good vibes. That’s my intention for you right now, to make you smile a bit more and get you in the right mood for another week with the perfect skirt and […]

How to Feel Like a Princess?

You’re probably wondering right now what I’m talking about, but girls, I think I’ve found the perfect mix to feel like a real princess – all you need is a beautiful baby pink dress and a charming castle that looks it came straight out of fairy tales. How does it sound? Last week, in one of my […]

Wearing a Lovely White Vest

Happy Monday guys 🙂 What’s up? I’m super happy right now because my mom comes to visit me tomorrow, and I’m sooo excited because I haven’t seen her for months and I miss her a loot! But until that happens, I have a new treat for you, a lovely white vest from SheIn which made me believe […]

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