Hey girls… You know that moment when you’re in front of your closet and you’re just staring up at it, saying “I don’t have anything to wear” ? I’m pretty sure every single girl has been through this moment at least once, maybe even today
So this morning, it was my turn to have a little “I don’t have anything to wear” crisis and while I was standing in front of the closet, my eyes ran in my boyfriend’s wardrobe, and I had a brilliant idea Let me explain what I’m talking about.
Today I’m gonna show you an outfit idea with my boyfie’s clothes, because if you partner is very close to you in sizes, you could create a very cool look, with masculine lines, using some of his clothes. Awesome, right?
For this chic look, I’ve “borrowed” the shirt and pants from him, but all other details are very feminine and stylish. The bow is from tweed with a lovely brooch that just stands out against the simple black shirt, and the boots, ohh, these boots are my new favs from AmiClubWear and to be honest, I don’t know what makes me love them more, that clear heel, the vinyl material from which they’re, a huge trend this season, or the cool gray color.. maybe it’s all three
I hope you like my idea for this new week and.. if you ask me, I’ll go to work anytime dressed like this, without any problem, because I totally love this look
My outfit :
Shirt & pants: from my boyfriend closet (ZARA)
Bow: H&M
Boots : AmiClubWear