Put Some Pearls on your Jeans 1

Put Some Pearls on your Jeans

Happy Monday pretty ones 🙂 A new week has just started and I’m sooo busy. My house is filled with clothes wherever I turn my head – it looks like a hurricane just passed by 😀 That’s because tomorrow we’re off to a new adventure through Europe and I have to pack my bags pretty fast and.. I always have a problem: what to wear!

Actually, I’m sure we all have this problem 🙂 That’s why I’ve made some outfits from home, because I really didn’t want to decide everything on the go. But I still have one last outfit I want to show you before I’m off to new places. Keep stalking me on Instagram and you’ll find out more 😀

Today I want to show you how I’ve styled and refreshed an old pair of jeans, that was lost somewhere in the back of my closet. I’ve had this idea for a long time, and I’ve bought some pearls, a special glue and I’ve started to apply these pearls on the jeans. But before that, I’ve cut them a little shorter, unevenly, longer in the back and shorter up front to see the ankles.

When it was all done, I’ve added a long white shirt, a knitted cape and some boots and I went out to enjoy a lovely day 🙂

What to you think about my DIY jeans?

My outfit :

Shirt : Dresslily

Cape/ Jeans : Zara


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