Heritage Trip Alba

As you’ve probably seen on my Instagram account a few days ago, I’ve made some new friends last week and together we’ve went in a small adventure through our country, to bring some beautiful places, filled with history, and a few picturesque areas from our countryside, closer to you – I’m talking about a small […]

Sighisoara – a Fairy-Tale Town

I’ve always wanted to visit Sighisoara, but for one reason or another, I didn’t manage to go there yet, even though it’s pretty close to my home. Last week however, my mom came to visit me, and since we always love to see new places with her, this was probably the perfect occasion to head […]

Quick Stop in Oradea

A few months ago I told you that this year I’m planning to visit more places from Romania to show you how beautiful my country really is, and today I wanna share with you a few pics I took in a quick stop to Oradea. I’ve never been to this city and I always wanted […]

Hello Cluj!

Hi girls 🙂 As I’ve told you in my previous post, I’m spending a few days in Cluj right now and.. of course I had to take a couple of shots for my blog too, with some of my favorite places in town 😀 The first one comes from the Cetatuia Hill, a little park nestled on top […]

Asymmetrical Skirt and Feathers

Hey girls, what’s up? 🙂 I’ve been away in the last couple of days to Bucharest and, of course, I had to take a couple of photos for my blog as well. I’ve lived here for more than 2 years and I always come back with pleasure, because I have a lot of friends here and […]

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