Asymmetrical Skirt and Feathers 1

Asymmetrical Skirt and Feathers

Hey girls, what’s up? 🙂 I’ve been away in the last couple of days to Bucharest and, of course, I had to take a couple of photos for my blog as well. I’ve lived here for more than 2 years and I always come back with pleasure, because I have a lot of friends here and I have to catch up with them every time I get back in town.

When I lived in Bucharest, I always went by the Basarab Overpass on my way to work, and I think I’ve had my eyes on this stunning location for a couple of photos for years. And this was the first thing I’ve done in Bucharest this time, taking a couple of photos right here.

For this outfit, I choose to wear one of my favorite skirts from Bonprix, a gorgeous asymmetrical black skirt that’s very feminine and sexy and could be worn in many different outfits and styles. For this skirt, I’ve thought it would be great to pair it with something totally unique, a simple white t-shirt that was actually modified by me, with a lovely splash of colors through feathers.

Some red sandals and minimal accessories completed this chic look that I hope you guys will enjoy just as much as I did. See you soon!


My outfit:

Asymmetrical skirt: BonPrix

Shirt: Made by me 🙂

Sandals: Bershka

Sunglasses: ZARA

Watch: Fossil

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