Last day at Feeric Fashion Week 1

Last day at Feeric Fashion Week

Hi cuties 🙂 I hope you’re not tired from hearing about Feeric Fashon Week, because today you’re about to get a new dose of my experience there, the last post from FFW actually. The last day of the show has been totally special, with some of the most amazing collections we’ve seen this entire week, beautiful and original locations and new friends to enjoy it all with.

First, the young designer Cylia Dora opened the day with a lovely collection where femininity and common sense were the main ingredients, a collection filled with awesome pieces that I just wanted to take home with me 🙂 And since it was really hot outside, I’ve opted to wear a super chic white silk dress, from the Romanian brand Framboise, at this particular show, a dress that will be featured in a special post from my trip to Greece pretty soon.


The second location of the day was really original, right in Sibiu’s Museum of Steam Locomotives, where Emma Viedma has impressed us all with a lovely line, filled with color and different fabrics. But the show was totally spectacular thanks to its amazing location, on a train platform that was constantly moving. A cool idea, indeed!

The grand finale of the Feeric Fashion Week was an extraordinary gala, which took place right in our town’s center, where 6 designers have presented their collections in a superb way, in the eyes of a massive crowd. My favorite designers have been Mona Predescu and Roxana Pirvu and I also liked the classy mens collection from Seroussi, well done guys.

Apart from that chic, white silk dress, that I’ve received from, during the final day of FFW I’ve worn two other gorgeous dresses that I’m pretty sure you will love, taken from All for Art, the designer boutique store in Sibiu.

That’s all for today – I wish you a perfect week and till next time try to smile more often girls :):*


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