What color do you wear this Spring?

We all know Spring is the season of new beginnings and colors, and as we’re getting closer and closer to my favorite season, I start to make a little obsession about which color should I wear pretty often this Spring. That’s happening every year, for no apparent reason, and this year I’ve decided my Spring […]

Waiting for Spring!

As I’ve told you in my previous posts, this year I wanna travel more in my country, to show you all how beautiful it really is, but it’s been ice cold lately and my mind is already thinking about spring. Luckily for us, in just a few days we’ll be in March, and everything around […]

It’s Finally Snowing in Sibiu

And I couldn’t be happier 😀 It was a strange winter for us, with almost no snow until the middle of January in my country, and I was a bit upset when I’ve seen so many wintery photos on Instagram, and not a single snowflake dropped over my town. But it finally happened a few […]

Christmas is just Around the Corner

I can’t believe how fast time flies; Christmas is just a few days away and I’m super happy right now, because my mom and some of my closest friends will come to visit me for the holidays 😀 I’m like a busy bee right now. I have to bake some cookies, and prepare something super delicious […]

You Can’t Go Wrong with Velvet

If you’re planning to attend a special event in these next couple of weeks, you can’t go wrong with velvet, especially if you find a piece in this gorgeous burgundy shade 😀 Velvet is one of the trendiest materials to wear during the cold seasons, and if you’d like to make an impression at the […]

Are you ready for Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner and I’m happier than ever right now, because this is my favorite period of the year – I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one 😀 So.. I thought this is the best time to make some themed posts with some Christmas outfit ideas, and here is my first […]

Put Some Pearls on your Jeans

Happy Monday pretty ones 🙂 A new week has just started and I’m sooo busy. My house is filled with clothes wherever I turn my head – it looks like a hurricane just passed by 😀 That’s because tomorrow we’re off to a new adventure through Europe and I have to pack my bags pretty […]

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