It’s Finally Snowing in Sibiu 1

It’s Finally Snowing in Sibiu

And I couldn’t be happier 😀 It was a strange winter for us, with almost no snow until the middle of January in my country, and I was a bit upset when I’ve seen so many wintery photos on Instagram, and not a single snowflake dropped over my town. But it finally happened a few days ago and it was just as magical as expected!

You probably realize how excited I was when it was snowing for the first time, right? I always feel like a kid when everything around me is covered in snow and, of course, I had to go out and take a few shots as well. I had an interesting photoshoot idea with a bright red umbrella, but I couldn’t find anywhere one to buy, but luckily I’ve discovered that one of my friends has one and I had to borrow it for a few days.

And here it is, a special photoshoot in one of the most beautiful places from Sibiu, covered in white snow, and with a lovely pop of color. I hope you like these photos just as much as I do.



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