A magical place called Hallstatt

Do you remember those charming little villages from old romantic movies and fairy tales? Well, that’s exactly how Hallstatt looks like, a wonderful little village from Austria, that’s almost too good to be true.

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Christmas is just around the corner

Hey girls, how was your week? Mine was so full and beautiful ’til now, because I’ve decided to decorate my lovely Christmas tree a little faster this year. I don’t know about you gals, but I’m absolutely in love with all the things that Christmas brings and obviously the Christmas tree is one of them. That’s why I totally […]

A Relaxing Walk around My Town

Hello my dears, how was your weekend? Mine was very, very great, because a close friend of mine came to visit me and obviously I had to show her my town, especially now that it’s beautifully decorated for the Christmas holidays. Sibiu probably has the most awesome Christmas market from Romania, and you totally have to […]

New season – new look!

A few days ago I’ve decided it’s time for a change in look so I did what I’ve always wanted.. cutting my hair a little more than I used to. After a long discussion with my hair stylist we’ve both decided that a long bob hairstyle will fit me perfectly and after an hour filled […]

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